(Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 5:30 pm-8:00 pm, Bercy)
The 37th Turgot Awards ceremony brought together nearly 400 leading figures from the economy and academia in the conference room of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.
The evening was opened by a speech by Kathleen Wantz O’Rourke, President of the Turgot Prize, created in 1987 by the alumni of the Institut de Haute Finance. She welcomed the presence in the room of the many personalities from the world of economics and finance, then retraced the history of the Prize and presented its organization.
In the first sequence, the five authors selected for the Grand Prix and the Jury Prize answered questions asked by members of the Cercle and the Turgot Club (see websites): Thomas Angeletti was questioned by Isabelle Job-Bazille on his book The Invention of the French Economy; Fabien Bouglé spoke with Emmanuel Millard about his book The Energy War; Brigitte Duvieusart, author with Luc Tayart of the book Philanthropy. A European perspective, was questioned by Florence Anglès; Xavier Jaravel, author of Marie Curie lives in Morbihan, by Dominique Chesneau, and finally, Alain Quinet, author of The Economy of War, by Christian de Boissieu.
The second sequence, animated with Philippe Dessertine, director of the IHFI, was devoted to the presentation of the Special Prizes (which do not meet the criteria for the Grand Prix). Stéphane Trebucq and Remi Demersseman received the prize for collective works for The Big Book of CSR (presented by Jean-Jacques Pluchart); Xavier Jaravel was honored with the Young Author Award; Pascal Quiry and Yann Lefur received the University Textbook Award for their reference work Corporate Finance (presented by Jean-Luc Buchalet); Michel Mailloux, author of Financial Robots and AI, was awarded the Francophonie Prize (presented by Hubert Rodarie); Jean-Marie Huet and Franck Pignede received the DFCG prize (presented by its president Marie-Hélène Pebayle) for their work The Valuation of Assets.
A tribute to Jean-Louis Chambon, president of the Turgot Prize from 2003 to 2023, was then delivered by Michel Bon, former president of the Turgot Prize and member of the Grand Jury, who thanked him for his exceptional work in favor of economic and financial culture. He notably underlined his great ability to bring together personalities and lead teams within the Grand Jury of the prize, the Turgot Club and the Turgot Circle, which he created in 2009.
Jean Louis Chambon responded by declaring how much his work for the Turgot Prize had brought him, which has become a reference in French-language economic literature. Through his initiatives, he has endeavored to enrich the knowledge and economic culture of the French, who are confronted with an increasingly complex and unstable environment. He was given a standing ovation by the audience.