Gauthier DOMBREVILLE, VarIAtions. IA : le puzzle de notre futur s’assemble, Eds L’Harmattan, 297 pages.

Since the launch in 2022 by Open AI of the first Chat GPT application, the development of generative AI (IAg) has been one of the main issues of concern for academic researchers and experienced AI practitioners, as well as for authors of science fiction novels. Most publications focus on its functional aspects and socio-economic impacts, but some of them reflect the diversity and acuity of the questions and concerns raised by the meteoric rise of AI, blockchain and Large Language Models (LLM). They engage in various approaches to these developments (descriptions, practical examples, case studies, etc.), but few of them, like Philip K. Dick or Isaac Asimov, practice the art of the novel or short story.

This is the case of Gauthier Dombreville’s book, which deserves special attention for its originality and creativity. It is organized into nine short stories featuring imaginary situations that could be triggered by future developments in AI, autonomous driving, managed traffic, instant exchanges, voice assistants, digital twins, image generators, etc. The author recalls the projects imagined and implemented by the leaders of GAFAM – and in particular the “prophecies” of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Meta. He then presents these situations in the manner of science fiction novels. He uses concrete examples to show the dangers of “crazy digital innovations”, the loss of control of black boxes, overly intelligent assistant robots, new humanoids, etc.

Although presented as a “vacation read”, the book encourages reflection on the distressing and dehumanizing characteristics of the new “artificial paradises” engendered by IAg solutions. Reading allows us to glimpse some unsuspected externalities of business management. The author is an engineer with a passion for science fiction.

Review written by J-J. PLUCHART