QUAND LA MACHINE APPREND, Editions Odile Jacob, 2021, 394 pages

This atypical book presents three levels of reading. The life story of a young French engineer with a passion for algorithms who will meet other enthusiasts, go into exile in the United States, work in the largest American laboratories, teach at the University of New York, win the Turing Prize, be considered the father of neural networks or “deep learning” and finally lead the fundamental research of Facebook. But mathematicians and computer scientists will also be able to discover or deepen, through examples of codes and equations, the functioning of these machines which can acquire by themselves the experience and the capacities to accomplish tasks which are assigned to them. Finally, AI users will be interested in its latest developments, but also in its excesses (especially Cambridge Analytica) or its algorithmic biases.  Yann Le Cun delivers his vision on the economic, social, societal and ethical impacts of AI, as well as on the future progress of this still young science whose powers of transformation of our society are considerable.

Philippe Alezard’s note